
Hindi Name is Arbi. The root is like potatoes, but much sweeter & cooks easily & faster too. The leaves which are heart-shaped are cooked like vegetable. Rich in starch…


Cocoa is a fine-textured chocolate powder that is available sweetened and unsweetened. Dutch-process cocoa, an unsweetened type, is specially treated to make a dark-colored, mellow-flavored product.

Castor Sugar

Castor or caster sugar is the name of a very fine sugar in Britain, so named because the grains are small enough to fit though a sugar “caster” or sprinkler.…

Chitol Macch

This is a special kind of fish called Chitol and is available in Bangladeshi Market. This is available in paste format or as full fish. The paste is used for…

Charoli Seeds

Also known as Chironji. Charoli is tiny and resembles a small bean. It tastes sweetish, and almost musky but not really nutty. Used primarily as a garnish.