Fried Potato With Poppy Seeds. A very very tasty side dish which is sure to make any meal a great success.

Servings: 3 | Time To Prepare: 30 Minutes | Submitted By: Chitra Nag


  • 3, Large( Idaho/Russet) Potato
  • 0.5, Cup Poppy seeds
  • 4, Green Chili
  • 1, Large Onion
  • 1, Tsp Red Chili Powder
  • To taste Salt
  • 1, Cup Water
  • 0.5, tsp Turmeric powder
  • 3, Tbsp Cooking Oil


  1. Wash potatoes and peel the skin. Cut into long slices of about 1 in  x 1/4 in x 1/4 in wide. Mix turmeric powder and salt.
  2. Soak poppy seeds in warm water for about an hour. Grind in an electric grinder; poppy seeds, green chilies and salt with enough water to make a smooth paste. Will take about 5 to 6 minutes.
  3. Heat oil &  add chopped onion and fry till soft. Add potato and red chili powder and fry for 3 to 4 minutes. Add the ground poppy seeds paste  and fry for about five minutes.
  4. Add one cup of water bring to boil, reduce heat, simmer with covering the pan till water dries. Continue frying with stirring till starts sticking to pan.
  5. Remove and serve with basmati rice.


[email protected] (5/13/2004)….thanks a lot for the recipe.

gvega (10/23/2002)….I am confused… are the poppy seeds called for in this recipe the same as the tiny black seeds used in bakery, like on top of bagels and breads?

mimi (6/20/2002)….Very nice… simple and quick!


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